Kimani Mbugua Biography: Age, Wife, Family, Career And Controversies

Kimani Mbugua Biography

Kimani Mbugua Biography

Kimani Mbugua’s story is a captivating tapestry woven with threads of journalistic brilliance, artistic expression, and a determined battle against mental illness. Born on February 16, 1997, in western Kenya, Kimani Mbugua embarked on his professional journey at a remarkably young age. At just 19, fueled by youthful ambition, he stepped into the dynamic world of media as a trainee at the prestigious Nation Media Group, a testament to his unwavering dedication to his chosen field.

Kimani’s academic background further solidified his potential. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and a Master of Science in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict from the University of London. This blend of political understanding and social awareness equipped him with a unique perspective, perfectly suited for a career in journalism. Kimani Mbugua is currently 27 years old.

His talent quickly blossomed, propelling him to become a prominent news anchor at Citizen TV, a leading Kenyan broadcaster. Viewers were captivated by his youthful charm and engaging delivery, making him a household name. From covering diverse regional news segments to co-hosting popular shows like “The Trend” with Larry Madowo, Kimani established himself as a rising star in the Kenyan media landscape. His journey, however, took an unexpected turn in 2020 when he received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Kimani Mbugua Career

Kimani’s career trajectory is a rollercoaster ride, marked by both meteoric highs and unforeseen challenges. He entered the media scene with a bang, captivating audiences with his natural charisma and sharp wit. Imagine a young man, barely a teenager, confidently navigating the complexities of news reporting. That was Kimani Mbugua in his early days. His ability to translate complex stories into easily digestible information cemented his reputation as a talented communicator.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to explore different facets of the media world, Kimani transitioned from news anchoring to entertainment reporting and production. Co-hosting shows like “The Trend” exemplifies his versatility and adaptability. Think of a chameleon seamlessly blending into different media roles – that’s Kimani’ s remarkable talent.

However, his mental health struggles began to cast a shadow on his once-flourishing career. In 2020, he made the difficult decision to step away from Citizen TV. This wasn’t an ending, but rather a turning point. Imagine a talented climber reaching a precarious ledge on their ascent – that’s the metaphor for Kimani’s career at this juncture.

Undeterred by adversity, Kimani attempted a comeback in October 2023 with a new program titled “UnBroken.” This initiative symbolized his unwavering spirit and determination to overcome his challenges. Here, we see the resilience woven into the fabric of Kimani’s story.

Kimani Mbugua Controversies

Kimani’s battle with bipolar disorder has unfortunately spilled over into the public eye. Imagine a storm brewing within, threatening to break through the facade – that’s the essence of Kimani’s struggles. In a distressing incident, he posted videos on social media platforms like TikTok, sometimes in a concerning state, even resorting to pleas for financial assistance. These videos sparked an outcry, raising serious concerns about his mental wellbeing.

The situation escalated further when a video surfaced depicting threats aimed at individuals who allegedly owed him money. The mention of violence, even as a metaphor, created a social media frenzy. This incident cast a shadow on Kimani’s public image and highlighted the complexities of mental health struggles.


Kimani Mbugua’s journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. From his early days as a budding journalist to his advocacy for mental health awareness, Mbugua has navigated through triumphs and trials with courage and determination. While his career may have taken unexpected twists and turns, Mbugua’s commitment to broadcasting and advocacy remains unwavering.

As we reflect on Mbugua’s compelling journey, let us strive to cultivate greater empathy and understanding for those facing mental health challenges. By supporting initiatives that promote mental wellness and breaking down stigma, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society for all.


What is Kimani Mbugua known for?

Kimani Mbugua is known for his career as a Kenyan journalist, having worked for prominent media houses like Nation Media Group and Citizen TV. He is also a visual artist and a mental health advocate.

What is Kimani Mbugua’s educational background?

Kimani Mbugua holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and a Master of Science in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict from the University of London.

Where is Kimani Mbugua?

Based on public reports, Kimani Mbugua is currently facing homelessness. Social media posts indicate that his previous living arrangement has come to an end, and he is actively seeking new accommodation. This news has sparked concern for his well-being and safety.

Who is the mother of Kimani Mbugua?

Public records reveal that Kimani Mbugua’s mother is Peris Wanjiku. In a previous interview, Ms. Wanjiku addressed her son’s extended stay at Mathari Hospital. She explained that Kimani was still undergoing counseling sessions as part of his treatment plan.

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