Abbas Byakagaba Biography: Age, Wife, Career And Uganda’s New IGP Appointment

Abbas Byakagaba Biography

Abbas Byakagaba Biography

Abbas Byakagaba was born on March 11, 1964, in Kampala, Uganda. His journey from a young boy in Uganda’s bustling capital to becoming the country’s Inspector General of Police is both inspiring and exemplary. Byakagaba’s early life was marked by a strong sense of duty and a deep commitment to justice, traits that would later define his career in law enforcement. Abbas Byakagaba is 60 years old as of 2024.

Growing up in Kampala, Byakagaba was surrounded by the vibrant and sometimes challenging urban environment. This early exposure to the complexities of city life instilled in him a keen sense of responsibility and a desire to make a difference. He pursued his education with determination, focusing on subjects that would lay the foundation for his future career in the police force.

Byakagaba’s entry into the police force marked the beginning of a distinguished career. He quickly rose through the ranks, thanks to his dedication, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to maintaining law and order. His tenure in various roles within the Uganda Police Force has been characterized by professionalism and a relentless pursuit of justice.

Abbas Byakagaba Career Background And Experience

Abbas Byakagaba’s career in the Uganda Police Force spans several decades, during which he has held numerous key positions. His extensive experience and diverse roles have equipped him with a deep understanding of the necessary measures to enhance security in Uganda.

Byakagaba’s early career saw him serve in various capacities, including as the Counter Terrorism commander and Human Resource Director. His leadership in these roles was instrumental in strengthening Uganda’s counter-terrorism efforts and improving the human resources framework within the police force. His ability to lead with both firmness and fairness earned him respect among his peers and subordinates.

One of the notable milestones in Byakagaba’s career was his appointment as the Ankore-Kigezi Zonal Commander. In this role, he oversaw police operations in a crucial region, ensuring law and order were maintained effectively. His strategic approach and operational expertise were critical in addressing the unique security challenges of the area.

In 2017, during a major reshuffle by then Inspector General of Police Gen Kale Kayihura, Byakagaba was reassigned to lead the Oil and Gas Police. This role was particularly significant given Uganda’s burgeoning oil and gas sector. Byakagaba’s leadership was pivotal in ensuring the security of this vital industry, protecting it from both internal and external threats.

Byakagaba’s career also includes a significant tenure as the head of the Directorate of Counter Terrorism. His experience and training with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in the USA were invaluable in enhancing Uganda’s counter-terrorism capabilities. Under his leadership, the directorate made substantial strides in preventing and responding to terrorist threats.

His appointment as the head of the Directorate of Human Resources marked another critical phase in his career. In this role, he succeeded the late AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi and was responsible for overseeing the recruitment, training, and management of police personnel. Byakagaba’s efforts were instrumental in professionalizing the force and improving its operational efficiency.

Abbas Byakagaba Personal Life, Wife And Family

Despite his demanding career, Abbas Byakagaba has managed to maintain a fulfilling personal life. He is married to Mrs. Abbas, and together they have four children. His family life is a testament to his ability to balance professional responsibilities with personal commitments.

Byakagaba’s dedication to his family is as strong as his commitment to his career. He believes in the importance of family support and attributes much of his success to the unwavering encouragement of his wife and children. His ability to stay grounded amidst the pressures of his job speaks volumes about his character.

In addition to his professional and family life, Byakagaba is known for his community involvement. He actively participates in various community initiatives and is a strong advocate for youth empowerment and education. His efforts to give back to the community highlight his belief in the power of education and the importance of nurturing the next generation.

Byakagaba’s personal philosophy is rooted in justice and fairness. He is widely recognized for his integrity and impartiality in carrying out his duties. These principles have guided him throughout his career, earning him a reputation as a pioneer of justice in Uganda.

Abbas Byakagaba Uganda’s New IGP Appointment

On May 17, 2024, President Yoweri Museveni appointed Abbas Byakagaba as Uganda’s new Inspector General of Police, replacing Martins Okoth Ochola. This appointment marks a significant milestone in Byakagaba’s career and reflects the trust and confidence that the President and the nation have in his leadership capabilities.

Byakagaba’s appointment comes at a crucial time for Uganda’s security apparatus. With his extensive experience in various facets of law enforcement, he is well-equipped to address the challenges facing the police force. His previous roles, including as the Counter Terrorism commander and Human Resource Director, have prepared him for the complexities of this top position.

President Museveni’s decision was announced by Deputy Presidential Press Secretary Faruk Kirunda, who stated, “I confirm that H.E. the President and Commander in Chief of the UPDF has today appointed Mr Abbas Byakagaba as the new Inspector General of Police replacing IGP Martin Okoth Ochola.” This announcement was part of a broader series of changes within the Uganda Police Force aimed at strengthening the country’s security.

In his new role, Byakagaba is expected to bring his strategic vision and operational expertise to the forefront. His priorities include enhancing the effectiveness of the police force, improving public safety, and addressing emerging security threats. Byakagaba’s appointment is seen as a strategic move to bolster Uganda’s security and ensure a seamless transition in police leadership.

As the new Inspector General of Police, Byakagaba is committed to continuing the reforms initiated by his predecessors while introducing new strategies to tackle evolving security challenges. His leadership style, characterized by transparency, accountability, and a focus on results, is expected to drive positive changes within the force.


Abbas Byakagaba’s biography is a story of dedication, integrity, and exemplary service. From his early days in Kampala to his appointment as Uganda’s Inspector General of Police, his journey is marked by significant achievements and unwavering commitment to justice. His extensive career in the Uganda Police Force has equipped him with the experience and skills necessary to lead the force effectively.

Byakagaba’s appointment as the new Inspector General of Police is a testament to his leadership qualities and the trust placed in him by President Museveni and the nation. As he steps into this critical role, he brings a wealth of experience and a strategic vision to enhance Uganda’s security and law enforcement capabilities.


Who is Abbas Byakagaba?

Abbas Byakagaba is the newly appointed Inspector General of Police in Uganda. He has an extensive background in law enforcement, having served in various key roles within the Uganda Police Force.

What positions has Abbas Byakagaba held in the Uganda Police Force?

Byakagaba has held numerous positions, including Counter Terrorism commander, Human Resource Director, Ankore-Kigezi Zonal Commander, and head of the Oil and Gas Police.

What are Abbas Byakagaba’s qualifications?

Byakagaba has undergone extensive training, including with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in the USA, and has significant experience in counter-terrorism and human resource management.

What is Abbas Byakagaba’s approach to leadership?

Byakagaba’s leadership is characterized by transparency, accountability, and a focus on results. He emphasizes integrity, fairness, and the importance of professionalizing the police force.

What are Abbas Byakagaba’s priorities as Inspector General of Police?

As the new Inspector General, Byakagaba aims to enhance the effectiveness of the Ugandan police force, improve public safety, and address emerging security threats through strategic reforms and initiatives.

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